03 October 2010

Episode Two - Les Wade

born to the children of immigrants in, of all places, oklahoma city, my family eventually migrated to southern california in the mid 1960s. i myself later moved to seattle washington, and ultimately to baltimore, with time off in hamburg, berlin, and paris, all of which, i suppose, makes me doubly diasporic, and which may also explain the sense of constant displacement that occurs so often in my poetry. for the last two years, i've been working on a poem sequence entitled "moveture," which has been (self)-published as a series of illuminated chapbooks. the whole moveture series was loosely inspired by a line that i (deliberately?) misremembered from the french film critic and theorist andre bazin-- "following a flashlight to the vast and ragged space that surrounds the screen." while this is an on-going project, i have recently started another poem sequence entitled "material studies." like the moveture poems, this, too, is being produced as a series of illustrated chapbooks.

1. More For 6:20
2. from Flip Books 10:35
3. What It Was All About (w/ introduction) 1:39
4. Luftmensch 1: Shooting the Symbolic(w/ introduction) 3:17

Total Time: 21:51

also see

the movetyre series:

moveture: the daily rushes

more four

2 morfers


topoi machine

the flip books:

flip book 1

flip book 2

flip book 3

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